GE Vivid E9
GE Vivid E9
A highly customizable, powerful shared-service system and Premium Cardiovascular Ultrasound.
Utilizes advanced probe technologies to provide 2D and 4D imaging.
17-inch, all-digital and high-definition LCD display that tilts and swivels.
M-Mode, Anatomical M-Mode, B-Flow, Color Doppler, PW Doppler, CW Doppler, Power Doppler, HPRF, Compound Imaging, Speckle Reduction, Stress Echo, 4D Stress Echo, 4D TEE, Tissue Synchronization, IMT, Tomographic, Tissue Tracking, Strain, Tissue Doppler, Elastography, Needle Visualization, DICOM, CD/DVD-R Drive, 3D/4D Cardiac, Auto Optimization, Tissue Harmonics.
As the price decreases each additional year, a refurbished Vivid e9 is quickly becoming an affordable 4D cardiology ultrasound.
Condition: Excellent
Software level: TBD
Can be sold alone or with transducers.
Transducers available for purchase.
Systems are available for Rent, Lease or Purchase.
* A generalized description of the system’s major features/capabilities is being provided. Our offerings have a variety of system features and options. We will work with you to provide a system with the exact configuration you are seeking.